
Life is like a flower, it needs sunshine and rain to grow, Enemies has 7 letters but so does Friends, Hate has 4 letters but so does Love. Everything in the Universe is connected, one cannot exist without the other. This is not a created Universe, this is a Universe of creation. I want to spread the message from the electric thinking found in my heart. When a baby is growing inside its mother, the heart develops first rather than the brain. This is the organ the Creator has given us to think with, as Love conquers all, your mind has a special ability to heal its self with positive thinking, the energy is also emitted around you and attracts people in your life.

I want you to join me on my journey, life is all about motion, every atom in the Universe vibrates, once started it never stops. There is no beginning, there is no ending, there is only the present moment. We are dancing in the cosmos but sadly many of us are blinded by things such as materialism, conflict, selfishness, greed… the list goes on forever. You have found this website because the energy has brought you here, energy is never created or destroyed, I am transferring you my energy and the magnetic field has attracted you.

I am heavily inspired by the work of Walter Russell and other fellow thinkers such as the Three Initiates of The Kybalion, my poems are written from my heart, sometimes giving your love cannot be explained with the human language but we can try to think with our heart and put it onto paper, that is what happens when I write my poetry.

“I am in the cosmos, I am a part of it, I am it. In that the past, present, and future are blended into one. We only think that they are separate.” – Walter Russell

The Universal Poet

Exploring the Cosmos Through Poetry
